A web site does not guarantee visitors.

Build it and they will come - NOT!
Successful web sites require constant nurturing.

Unlike the movies, once your web site is built, it's not finished. If fact, its never finished until its no longer useful to anyone.

Maintaining a web site can require a great deal of effort. Search engines will generally give a higher ranking to sites that change frequently. Fortunately the Phi4 Internet Marketing system simplifies the job of maintaining a web site. When your business is growing, its difficult to find time to maintain a web site.

This is where iEditWeb comes in.

iEditWeb is your Internet Marketing partner. We will share in the effort to keep your Internet Marketing up to date. You can do as little or as much as you want and we will do the rest. We can help solve sticky problems so you can focus on your business. Here are a few examples of what we can do for you.

  • Update content including events, menus, news stories product changes.

  • Track your search engine indexing and analytics data and find ways to improve your content for better results. Suggest and make changes if your current content becomes stale in a way that effects your search results.

  • Update your social media accounts with new articles to keep your brand in front of prospects.

  • Help build and track marketing campaigns that use email, print, radio television.